mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to [email protected].) |
List | Description |
Acad-ogs | Oceans Graduate School Academics |
All-ogs | parent email list for OGS |
Allmembers-emcrn | All members of the Early and Mid-Career Researcher Network at UWA |
AnthroPGrad | Anthropology and Sociology Postgrad. discussion list |
Anziamwa | This is a list of members and possible attendees to ANZIAMWA lectures that are given at UWA Maths during the academic year; usually 1 lecture per month in Blakers Lecture Theatre, UWA (every 2nd Tues in the month usually). |
Arts-building | Distribution list of all staff and students housed in the Arts Building |
AsianStudies-Grad | Asian Studies Postgraduate Discussion List |
AusCERT-Subscribers | AusCERT Subscribers List |
CACG-Bioinformatics | A contact list for the CACG Bioinformatics Working Group |
CANlab | For CANlab members only. |
CET-all | CET Staff and Students |
Change-notifications | IS planned change hazard and outage notification list |
Classical-Events | Announcement of Classics and Ancient History events. |
Clinical-Trials-Admin | News about the administration of clinical trials |
Cmca-ss | CMCA Seminar Series and other CMCA events |
Collectibles | For trading various collectibles |
Comp.theory | Mailing list of the Computational Theory group |
Complexsystems | Weekly seminars on topics related to Complex Systems, Dynamical Systems and Chaos. Currently held in Blakers' Lecture Theatre on Thursday at 3pm (unless indicated otherwise). |
Eavpg | [no description available] |
ethnolabwa | [no description available] |
Extern-ogs | [no description available] |
friends-centre-wa-history | Circulates information to Friends of the Centre for Western Australian History at UWA |
Galaxies3dview | [no description available] |
Gen-ogs | email list for general staff |
Geotech-ogs | for geotechnical researchers involved with OGS |
Honours-sseh | Honours listing sport science |
Icrar-fairway.staff | All staff at ICRAR-UWA 7 Fairway |
ICRAR-Seminar | Seminar Notices for ICRAR |
INLAR | International Network for Law and Apology Research |
Iomrc-Crawley | IOMRC Crawley Occupants |
Iomrcwatermansbay | IOMRC Waterman’s Bay for occupants at Waterman’s Bay Research Facility. |
IRDS-Store-Owners | List of all IRDS Store Owners |
Mandeval-stakeholders | MandEval Stakeholder and partners |
Matrix-users | Notifies users of MySource Matrix of system outages and upgrades. |
MAUVE-exec | MAUVE Exec Team |
MAUVE-PIs | mailing list for the PIs of the MAUVE project |
MigrationRN | A forum on migration related issues for WA researchers |
mnu | MNU - Matariki Network of Unversities |
Mrgpg | MRG postgrads |
Mrgstaff | MRG Staff Members |
NGCF | [no description available] |
Notices | For notices relevant to UWA |
OI-Adjuncts | Oceans Institute Adjuncts |
OSUpdateNotification | Server Update Notifications |
OSUpdateNotification-Client | Server Update Notifications - Clients |
Perth-astro-women | [no description available] |
perth-seminars | Seminars to be held in Science and Health across Universities, Institutes and Hospitals of Perth. |
pg-ogs | An emailing list that is addressed to all Oceans Graduate School post grad students |
Phd-sah | [no description available] |
Pis-magpi | [no description available] |
Plallstaff | [no description available] |
Plfar | [no description available] |
Postgrad-sseh | Postgrad SSEH |
Postgraduates-SSEH | Postgrad Students for Human Sciences |
Prideuwa | UWA Pride Community Network |
pubh-md-2018 | Information for 2018 cohort for PUBH |
R-group | R statistics user group - School of Animal Biology |
RePlan | Network for planning research and education |
Research-Announcements | [ STOP ] THIS LIST HAS MOVED. Subscribe at |
Sahtwitter | a generic email to set up SAH twitter account |
Sbs-academicstaff-research | [no description available] |
Sbs-research-staff | [no description available] |
Sbs-teachingresearch | [no description available] |
Secretaries | Secretaries and administrative staff |
Seminars-humanities | [no description available] |
Ses-level4_5 | Honours and Masters students in School of Earth Sciences |
Ses-onsite-adj-vis | This list is for all on site adjuncts and visitors in the School of Earth Sciences. |
Ses-ss | SES Seminar Series mailing list |
singg-sungg | SINGG & SUNGG collaboration |
Sitecore-notifications | Important announcements for Sitecore users and stakeholders |
SPGH-Honours | SPGH Honours Student |
spgh-md-cohort3 | For communication with students in cohort 3 of scholarly activities |
SPH-Health-Science-Stu | SPH Health Science Students |
Sph-md-cohort2 | Cohort 2 of MD students participating in Public Health Coursework as part of their Scholarly Activities. |
Sph-nursing-students | sph-nursing-students |
Sph-research-students | SPH Research Students |
Sph-social-work-pgstudents | sph-social-work-pgstudents |
SS-AsianStudies-Seminar | Asian Studies Seminar List |
StataList | Stata Users |
Teaching-and-Learning | Teaching and Learning news and discussion |
Team-magpi | [no description available] |
Tech-contacts | The UWA Technical Contacts (for IT) list |
Technicians | Mailing list for Technical Staff at UWA |
Timetabling-contacts | A contact list for staff engaged with Timetabling |
Trading-list | Personal items for sale, swap, rent or purchase. |
UWA-events | For copies of notices on UWA-events web page |
UWA Bug | UWA Bicycle Users Group |
WA-optical-network | Western Australian optical microscopy network |
Wa_patient_blood_management | [no description available] |
wajoparticipants-maths | WAJO Participants @ Maths |
Watersmart_dams_project | [no description available] |
Werc-p3 | WERC Geotech |
wun | WUN - Worldwide Universities Network |
version 2.1.30 |